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© 2024 Ferdi Stutterheim

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Tele-Rolleiflex 2393, Photo F.W. Stutterheim
Photograph of Ferdi’s Tele-Rolleiflex and its dedicated Rolleinar 0.35 in Bayonet III. The frame with close-up lenses is swung aside for object distances over 2.60 meter.
Photo © 2023  F.W. Stutterheim



Rolleinars are close-up lenses to be mounted in front of both TLR lenses for close focusing. Production of the sets started between 1953 and 1957. In Europe Rolleinars are easily found at camera fairs. They were made in three different strengths and the sets come in pairs as Rolleinar 1, Rolleinar 2 and Rolleinar 3; each pair in Rollei bayonet sizes I, II, and III. You will find them in neat leather pouches. Arab numbers refer to the strength of the close-up lens and Roman numbers refer to the bayonet size. The larger Rolleinar for the viewing lens includes a prism to correct for parallax error and shows a red dot for mounting. When correctly mounted the red dot points up.

Earlier Proxars

From 1935 up to 1955 close-up sets were made as three piece sets. The two identical close-up lenses were named Proxar. The prism was a separate part named Rolleipar für Proxar later Rolleiparkeil (Rollei Wedge). When buying, carefully watch what is on offer. Later bayonet type Proxars look like Rolleinars, earlier push-on Proxars look quite different. Anyway both versions are clearly labeled but an image may not show the full name. So a complete Rolleinar set consists of two pieces: a thick one and a thin one, both in the same bayonet size. A complete Proxar set has two identical Proxars and either a Rolleipar or a Rolleiparkeil. The images on this site show only the Rolleinars.

Rolleinars for the Tele-Rolleiflex

For the Tele-Rolleiflex dedicated Rolleinars 0.35 and 0.7 were made. Viewing and taking lenses are mounted in one frame. The 0.35 Rolleinar is mainly intended to make good for the rather long close focusing distance of the Tele-Rolleiflex of 2.60 m. The Rolleinar 0.35 shortens it to 1.35 m. The 0.35 is equipped with a hinge for quickly switching between distances of over and under around 2.60 m. The Rolleinars 0.35 and 0.7 can be used in combination with a Rolleinar 1, 2 or 3.

From 1963 the factory developed a proto-type Tele-Rolleiflex with an upgraded focusing system. It made closer focusing possible. At the time it was not marketed. The Rolleiflex FT, a modern Tele and the Rolleiflex FX-N with a normal lens are based on this proto-type.

Rolleinar for the Wide-Angle Rolleiflex

For the Wide-Angle Rolleiflex only a Rolleinar 2 was offered. The 55 mm Distagon is close-focusing by nature, so only a no. 2 Rolleinar is needed. It is in bayonet size IV. The original one is difficult to find. When the new Wide, the Rolleiflex FW, was marketed the factory produced another batch of Rolleinars 2 in size IV.

Baby Rolleiflex 0028, Photo F.W. Stutterheim
Ferdi’s Rolleiflex 4×4, with a standard Rolleinar 3 in Bayonet I. The Arabic number 3 indicates the strength of the Rolleinar lens; the Roman I preceded by a styled R stands for the bayonet size. This side of the shutter shows a number of Exposure Values (EV). The red dot indicates the chosen EV. The EV is read from a separate light-meter.
Photo © 2022  F.W. Stutterheim

Rolleinar manuals

It is not uncommon for the data sheets of the Rolleinars to be lost. Please find the information below and on the following pages.

Object distances with Rolleinar close-up lenses

The next tables give the object distances when a Rolleinar close-up lens is mounted. The Depth Of Field will be different too. Clicking on the camera type will bring you the DOF information.

Table of Object Distances

Rolleiflex Model Lens f= (mm) Object Distances (cm)
Rolleinar 1 Rolleinar 2 Rolleinar 3
Rolleiflex T 75 100 - 45 50 - 31 32 - 24
Rolleiflex 3,5 75 100 - 45 50 - 31 32 - 24
Rolleiflex 2,8 80 100 - 47 50 - 32 32 - 24
Rolleifex 4x4 60 100 - 47 50 - 32 32 - 24
Wide-Angle Rolleiflex 55 - 50 - 25 -
Rolleicord 75 100 - 45 50 - 31 32 - 24

For Depth Of Field information, click on camera model.
The Wide-Angle Rolleiflex combines with a Rolleinar 2 only. In the sought after Bay IV.

Table of Object Distances
for the Tele-Rolleiflex

Rolleinars Object Distances (cm)
Rolleinar 0.35 Rolleinar 0.7
280 - 135 138 - 93
Rolleinar 1 77 - 62 62 - 52
Rolleinar 2 46 - 40 40 - 36
Rolleinar 3 33 - 30 30 - 28

The matrix provides information on using the Rolleinars 0.35 or 0.7 on their own and combined with one Rolleinar 1, 2 or 3.
Depth Of Field information for Tele-Rolleiflex.
