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© 2024 Ferdi Stutterheim

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Wide-Angle Rolleiflex 2389, Photo F.W. Stutterheim
Photograph of Ferdi’s Wide-Angle Rolleiflex fitted with its Bayonet IV Rolleinar 2 set.
Photo © 2023  F.W. Stutterheim

Depth of field with Rolleinar 2

For the Wide-Angle Rolleiflex only the Rolleinar 2 was available. Wide-angle lenses focus to a shorter object distance by nature making Rolleinar 1 unnecessary and focusing even closer than 22 cm is pointless making Rolleinar 3 irrelevant.

DOF Distagon 4/55 mm
Circle of confusion = f/700

Rolleinar number 2 2 2 2
Object Distance1 (cm) 50 40 32 25
Size Object Field (cm2) 49 × 49 40 × 40 30 × 30 23 × 23
Magnification 1 : 8.7 1 : 7.2 1 : 5.4 1 : 4.2
D.O.F. (cm) with f/ 8 46 - 54 37 - 44 30 - 34 24 - 26
11 44 - 58 36 - 46 29 - 35 23 - 27
16 42 - 62 34 - 18 28 - 37 23 - 28
22 39 - 69 32 - 53 27 - 39 22 - 29

1 Distance measured in cm from object to front lens.