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© 2024 Ferdi Stutterheim

Home > Practical Accessories 1 > Rolleinars > Rolleiflex 4×4 cm

Baby Rolleiflex 0031, Photo F.W. Stutterheim
Ferdi’s Rolleiflex 4×4, with a standard Bayonet I Rolleinar 3 set. The larger Rolleinar lens contains also a prism for parallax correction. When mounted the red dot should be on top.
Photo © 2022  F.W. Stutterheim [Rolleiflex 6008i, Carl Zeiss Makro-Planar 4/120 mm PQS HFT]

Quick guide to Rolleiflex 4×4 cm pages

  1. Rolleiflex 4×4 cm TLR
  2. Roll-film 127 size
  3. Serial Numbers
  4. Rolleinar close-up lenses
  5. Depth of field Rolleiflex 4×4 cm with Rolleinars

Depth of field with Rolleinar(s)

Depth of field for Xenar 60 mm
Circle of confusion = f/1000

Rolleinar number 1 1 1 or 2 2 2 or 3 3
Object Distance1 (cm) 80 60 50 40 32 24
Size Object Field (cm2) 53 × 53 39 × 39 33 × 33 27 × 27 20 × 20 15 × 15
Magnification 1:13 1:9.5 1:8 1:6.5 1:5 1:3.7
D.O.F. (cm) with f/ 5.6 74 - 87 57 - 64 48 - 52
8 72 - 89 56 - 65 47 - 53.5 38 - 42.5 30.5 - 33.5
11 70 - 93 54 - 67 46 - 55 37 - 43.5 30 - 34 23 - 25
16 66 - 101 52 - 70 44.5 - 57 36 - 45 29.5 - 35 22.5 - 26
22 62 - 112 50 - 76 43 - 60.5 35 - 47 28.5 - 36.5 22 - 26.5

1 Distance measured in cm from object to front plate of camera.