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Editor Ferdi Stutterheim

Home > Serial Numbers > Rolleiflex 4×4 cm

Rolleiflex 4x4 0026, Photo F.W. Stutterheim
Ferdi‘s Postwar Black 4×4 cm Rolleiflex with its dedicated Bayonet I lens hood. Around 4500 Black cameras were made. The shutter release button is like the Rolleiflex T. The Bayonet I 4×4 lens hood has a large cut-out to clear the bayonet of the viewing lens. Note that the camera has no serial number on the top of the Rolleiflex name shield. Perhaps the original was replaced for a spare shield.
Photo © 2022  F.W. Stutterheim

Quick guide to Rolleiflex 4×4 cm pages

  1. Rolleiflex 4×4 cm TLR
  2. Roll-film 127 size
  3. Serial Numbers
  4. Rolleinar close-up lenses
  5. Depth of field Rolleiflex 4×4 cm with Rolleinars

Page Index

Serial Numbers

Pre-War Rolleiflex 4×4 cm (1⅝×1⅝ in)

Start at № End at № Number
Produced Name according to Prochnow
Filter size2
Taking Lens Name acc. to Parker Name acc. to Evans
127 000 523 000 6 200 1931 - 1933 Rolleiflex 4x4 model 1
Compur C00 shutter.
Socket for cable release at the top of the shutter.
BL: ∅ A28.5 mm
DBL: 37 mm
Tessar 3.5/6 cm3 4x4 Baby Rolleiflex 3.5 Original Baby
127 000 523 000 3 300 1931 - 1933 Rolleiflex 4x4 model 1
Compur C00 shutter.
Socket for cable release at the top of the shutter.
BL: ∅ A28.5 mm
DBL: 37 mm
Tessar 2.8/6 cm 4x4 Baby Rolleiflex 2.8 Original Baby
127 000 523 000 300 1933 - 1934 Rolleiflex 4x4 model 2
Compur C00 shutter.
Socket for cable release at the bottom of the shutter.
Aperture and speed scales above finder lens.
BL: ∅ A28.5 mm
DBL: 37 mm
Tessar 3.5/6 cm 4x4 Baby Rolleiflex Black Baby (type 1)
127 000 523 000 1 680 1933 - 1934 Rolleiflex 4x4 model 2
Compur C00 shutter.
Socket for cable release at the bottom of the shutter.
Aperture and speed scales above finder lens.
BL: ∅ A28.5 mm
DBL: 37 mm
Tessar 2.8/6 cm 4x4 Baby Rolleiflex Black Baby (type 2)
127 000 523 000 140 1934 - 1936 Rolleiflex 4x4 model 3
Compur-Rapid CR00 shutter.
Socket for cable release at the bottom of the shutter.
Aperture and speed scales above finder lens.
BL: ∅ A28.5 mm
DBL: 37 mm
Tessar 3.5/6 cm 4x4 Baby Rolleiflex Black Baby (type 3)
127 000 523 000 3 100 1934 - 1936 Rolleiflex 4x4 model 3
Compur-Rapid CR00 shutter.
Socket for cable release at the bottom of the shutter.
Aperture and speed scales above finder lens.
BL: ∅ A28.5 mm
DBL: 37 mm
Tessar 2.8/6 cm 4x4 Baby Rolleiflex Black Baby (type 4)
622 000 734 4514 2 174 1938 - 1941 Rolleiflex 4x4 model 4
Compur-Rapid CR00 shutter.
Shutter rim covered.
‘Rolleiflex’ in relief.
Socket for cable release at the bottom of the shutter.
Aperture and speed scales above finder lens.
VL: ∅ A28.5 mm
TL: Bay I and
∅ A28.5 mm
DBL: 37 mm
Tessar 2.8/6 cm 4x4 Baby Rolleiflex Sports Rolleiflex
850 000 max. 500 1941 - 1944 Kriegsmodell Rolleiflex 4x4
(Wartime Model)
Compur-Rapid CR00 shutter.
Shutter rim covered.
‘Rolleiflex’ in relief.
Socket for cable release at the bottom of the shutter.
Aperture and speed scales above finder lens.
VL: ∅ A28.5 mm
TL: Bay I and
∅ A28.5 mm
DBL: 37 mm
Tessar 2.8/6 cm 4x4 Baby Rolleiflex Sports Rolleiflex
Rolleiflex 4x4 0032, Photo F.W. Stutterheim
Ferdi‘s Postwar Black 4×4 cm Rolleiflex with its Bayonet I lens hood with exposure meter.
Photo © 2022  F.W. Stutterheim

Post-War Rolleiflex 4×4 cm (1⅝×1⅝ in)

Start at № End at № Number
Produced Name according to Prochnow
Taking Lens Name acc. to Parker Name acc. to Evans
2 000 001 2 064 999 62 250 1957 - 1963 Rolleiflex 4x4 grau
Grey paint and leather
Xenar 3.5/60 mm5 Baby 4x4 1957 Grey Rolleiflex Grey Baby
2 064 000 2 069 120 4 930 1963 - 1968 Rolleiflex 4x4 schwarz
Black paint and leather6
Xenar 3.5/60 mm Baby 4x4 1963 Black Rolleiflex Post-war Black Baby

Common Particulars: Bayonet I. Synchro-Compur MXV CR00 shutter. Exposure information table on camera back, from 1957 for 12, 25, 50 and 100 ASA; from 1958 for 12, 50, 200, 400 ASA; from 1960 for 12, 50, 200, 800 ASA.


Particulars are described to distinguish between cameras from a single production run or in case of special interest. Back
BL: Both lenses, VL: Viewfinder lens, TL: Taking lens, : Diameter, A: Push on (Ge: Aufsteckfilter), Bay I: Rolleiflex Bayonet I, DBL: Distance between lenses. Back
Pre-World War II cameras are equipped with Tessars made by Carl Zeiss Jena. Back
Possibly higher. According to Prochnow the highest number in this series is 734 000. His number is not correct. I was contacted by the owner of Rolleiflex 4×4 model 4 with serial number 734 451. Back
Post-World War II cameras have Xenars made by Schneider Kreuznach. Back
Prochnow writes that grey and black models are identical except for the colour. Black models have improved film transport and shutter mechanism safety interlock according to Evans. Between № 2 064 000 and 2 064 999 both grey and black models exist. Back
