Serial Numbers Lists
Wide-Angle Rolleiflex
Start at № | End at № | Number made | Produced | Name according to Prochnow Particulars1 |
Taking Lens | Name acc. to Parker | Name acc. to Evans |
2 490 000 | 2 493 501 | 3 502 | 1961 - 1965 | Weitwinkel‑Rolleiflex model 1 "Half Moon" under strap holder. |
CZ Distagon 4/55 | Wide‑Angle Rolleiflex | Wide‑Angle Rollei |
2 493 502 | 2 493 905 | 404 | 1965 - 1967 | Weitwinkel-Rolleiflex model 2 "Half Moon" up to 1966. 12/24 exp. |
CZ Distagon 4/55 | Wide-Angle Rolleiflex | Wide-Angle Rollei |
Rolleiflex 4.0 FW
Produced from | Produced until | Number made | Name | Taking Lens | Particulars |
2002 | 2015 | unknown | Rolleiflex 4.0 FW |
Schneider Super Angulon 4/50 HFT Rollei W-Apogon 4/50 Rollei-HFT |
Made by Francke & Heidecke. Made by DHW Fototechnik. Coded Serial Number. Aperture scale from 22 to 4 Shutter speeds scale from B, 1 - 500 Focusing range ∞ - 60 cm |