Editor Ferdi Stutterheim

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Rolleicord III 1227, Photo F.W. Stutterheim
Rolleicord III (1950 - 1953). The camera still has the non-linear shutter speeds (500, 250, 100, 50, 25, 10, 5, 2, 1). It has the dual format back for 6×6 cm and 24×36 mm. The tripod plate has no groove for the Rolleifix. The handle shown left of the taking lens sets the speeds, the one to the right sets the apertures. The handle down under the lens cocks and releases the shutter. Down left the PC flash socket and down right a standard mechanical cable release can be added. The flash socket is not yet secured so the cable may detach.
Photo ©2020  F.W. Stutterheim

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Serial Numbers Lists

Rolleicord I

Start at № End at № Number
Produced Name acc. to Prochnow /
Filter size2 Taking Lens Name acc. to Parker Name acc. to Evans
1 460 000*

00 001
1 760 000

c. 05 000

5 000
1933 - 1936 Rolleicord I model 1
Artdeco Rolleicord
Viewfinder lens: Heidoskop‑Anastigmat
Factory upgrade: Rolleikin 1
BL: ∅ A28.5 mm CZJ Triotar 4.5 ArtDeco Rolleicord Rolleicord I (type 1)
1 460 000*

c. 05 001
1 760 000

37 508

32 508
Rolleicord I model 1
Artdeco Rolleicord
Viewfinder lens: Heidoscop-Anastigmat
Factory upgrade: Rolleikin 1
1 590 000*
c. 050 001
1 760 000
075 519

25 519
1934 - 1936 Rolleicord I model 2
Viewfinder lens: Heidoscop-Anastigmat
Rolleikin 1
BL: ∅ A28.5 mm CZJ Triotar 3.8 Rolleicord I Rolleicord I (type 2)

* Official product number is the lens number. Not all lenses in this series were supplied to the Rolleiflex factory.
Printed in grey: Body number for factory use in lower film chamber next to first roller. In early First Models this number is obscured by the first roller.
Common particulars: Compur C00 shutter, 1/300s. Non-linear shutter speeds.

Rolleicord Ia

Start at № End at № Number
Produced Name acc. to Prochnow /
Filter size Taking Lens Name acc. to Parker Name acc. to Evans
1 760 000* 1 947 000 9 459 1936 - 1937 Rolleicord Ia model 1
Exposed finder lens and shutter connected by bridge.
Finder hood with F&H sign.
Additional finder with 45° mirror.
BL: ∅ A28.5 mm CZJ Triotar 4.5 Rolleicord Ia type 4.5 Rolleicord Ia (type 1)
1 944 911* 2 183 000 10 200 1937 - 1938 Rolleicord Ia model 2
Exposed finder lens and shutter
without bridge.
Finder hood without F&H sign.
Additional Direct view finder.
BL: ∅ A28.5 mm CZJ Triotar 4.5 Rolleicord Ia type 4.5 Rolleicord Ia (type 2)
611 000 1 042 100 12 150 1938 - 1947 Rolleicord Ia model 3
‘Franke & Heidecke’ on shutter.
BL: ∅ A28.5 mm CZJ Triotar 4.5 Rolleicord 1a type 3 Rolleicord Ia (type 3)
500 1939 - Polizei Rolleicord
(Police Rolleicord)
‘Franke & Heidecke Braunschweig’
below Rolleicord name shield.
BL: ∅ A28.5 mm CZJ Triotar 3.5

* Official product number is the lens number. Not all lenses in this series were supplied to the Rolleiflex factory.
Models 1 and 2: Body number for factory use in interior. Number range unknown.
Common particulars: Compur shutter C00, 1/300s. Non-linear shutter speeds.

Rolleicord II

Start at № End at № Number
Produced Name acc. to Prochnow /
Filter size Taking Lens Name acc. to Parker Name acc. to Evans
1 758 000* 1 974 000 30 542 1936 - 1937 Rolleicord II model 1
Exposed finder lens and shutter connected by bridge.
Finder hood with F&H sign.
Additional finder with 45° mirror.
Compur shutter C00 1/300s.
BL: ∅ A28.5 mm CZJ Triotar 3.5 Rolleicord II Rolleicord II (type 1)
1 967 410* 2 124 000 14 000 1937 - 1938 Rolleicord II model 2
Lens rims and shutter: black cover.
Finder hood without F&H sign.
Additional finder with 45° mirror.
Compur shutter C00 1/300s.
BL: ∅ A28.5 mm
TL: Bay I
CZJ Triotar 3.5 Rolleicord IIa 3.5 Rolleicord II (type 2)
613 000 859 000 16 000 1938 - 1939 Rolleicord II model 3
Name shield: ‘Rolleicord’ in relief.
Lens rims and shutter: black cover.
Finder hood without F&H sign.
Additional finder with 45° mirror.
Compur shutter C00 1/300s.
BL: ∅ A28.5 mm
TL: Bay I
CZJ Triotar 3.5 Rolleicord IIb 3.5 Rolleicord II (type 3)
859 000 1 135 999 unknown 1939 - Rolleicord II Philips model3
Name shield: ‘Rolleicord’ in relief.
Lens rims and shutter: black cover.
Finder hood without F&H sign.
Additional finder with 45° mirror.
Compur shutter C00 1/300s.
24 exp. 3×6 cm with masks.
BL: ∅ A28.5 mm
BL: Bay I
CZJ Triotar 3.5
859 000 1 095 425 16 000 1939 - 1949 Rolleicord II model 4
Name shield: ‘Rolleicord’ in relief.
Lens rims and shutter: black cover.
Finder hood without F&H sign.
Additional finder with 45° mirror.
Compur shutter C00 1/300s.
BL: Bay I
BL: ∅ A28.5 mm
CZJ Triotar 3.5 Rolleicord IIc Rolleicord II (type 4)
980 000 1 095 425 9 000 1947 - 1949 Rolleicord II model 5
Compur-Rapid CR00 shutter, 1/500s.
BL: Bay I CZJ Triotar 3.5
Rolleicord IIc Rolleicord II (type 5)
200 1947 Schneider Xenar 4.5
2 800 1949 Schneider Xenar 3.5
1 102 000 1 135 999 8 500 1949 - 1950 Rolleicord II model 6
Compur‑Rapid X CRX00 shutter, 1/500s, PC flash socket, X-synchronization.
Shutter cover with matte chrome front black print.
BL: Bay I CZJ Triotar 3.5 T Rolleicord IId Rolleicord II (type 5)
5 400 Schneider Xenar 3.5

* Official product number is the lens number. Not all lenses in this series were supplied to the Rolleiflex factory.
Models 1 and 2: Body number for factory use beginning with 1..... in interior. Non-linear shutter speeds.

Rolleicord III 1229, Photo F.W. Stutterheim
Back of a Rolleicord III (1950 - 1953) with exposure suggestions from March - October. It looks like taking pictures was not encouraged from November - February. Suggested film speeds are 18° DIN (ISO/ASA 50) and 15° (ISO/ASA 25). The table shows the non-linear shutter speeds.
Photo ©2020  F.W. Stutterheim

Rolleicord III

Start at № End at № Number
Produced Name acc. to Prochnow /
Taking Lens Name acc. to Parker Name acc. to Evans
1 137 000 1 156 999 87 000 1950 - 1951 Rolleicord III
Prepared for Dual format back and Rolleikin knob.
Schneider Xenar Rolleicord III Rolleicord III (type 1/2)
1 157 000 1 199 999 1951 - 1953 Rolleicord III
Dual format back for 6x6 and Rolleikin 2.
Upgraded Direct View finder for Rolleikin mask.
1 300 000 1 343 999 1950 - 1953 Rolleicord III
Dual format back for 6x6 and Rolleikin 2.
Upgraded Direct View finder for Rolleikin mask.
CZJ Triotar Rolleicord III Rolleicord III (type 2)
1 344 000 1 344 050 1953 Rolleicord III
Dual format back for 6x6 and Rolleikin 2
Upgraded Direct View finder for Rolleikin mask.
Groove for Rolleifix in tripod plate .

Common particulars: Compur-Rapid X CR00 shutter, 1/500s. PC flash socket, X-synchronization. Non-linear shutter speeds. Bayonet I.

Rolleicord IV

Start at № End at № Number
Produced Name acc. to Prochnow /
Taking Lens Name acc. to Parker Name acc. to Evans
1 344 051 1 390 999 46 500 1953 - 1954 Rolleicord IV Schneider Xenar Rolleicord IV Rolleicord IV

Common particulars: Synchro-Compur MX CR00 shutter, 1/500s, PC flash socket, M/X switch4 for flash. Dual format back. Groove for Rolleifix. Switch for Double exposure lock. Bayonet I.

Rolleicord V

Start at № End at № Number
Produced Name acc. to Prochnow /
Taking Lens Name acc. to Parker Name acc. to Evans
1 500 000 1 583 999 84 000 1954 - 1957 Rolleicord V Schneider Xenar Rolleicord V Rolleicord V
20 1962 Rolleicord V
Philips oscilloscope model
Rebuilt from stock.
First model detachable finder hood.
Exchangeable focusing screen.

Common particulars: Synchro-Compur MXV CR00 shutter, 1/500s, linear speeds5, M/X/V switch. Switch for double exposure lock. Bayonet I. Chrome strap holders.

Rolleicord Va 1214, Photo F.W. Stutterheim
Rolleicord Va Model 2 (1958 - 1961). The exchangeable frame counter for 12 frames is in use. When a sync cord with Rollei locking tip is used, it is securely fixed in the flash socket.
Photo © 2023  F.W. Stutterheim

Rolleicord Va

Start at № End at № Number
Produced Name acc. to Prochnow /
Taking Lens Name acc. to Parker Name acc. to Evans
1 584 000
1 900 000
1 599 999
1 904 999
21 000 1957 - 1958 Rolleicord Va model 1
Apertures and EV scales on left side, shutter speeds on right side.
Schneider Xenar Rolleicord Va Type 1 Rolleicord Va (type 1)
1 905 000 1 906 999 2 000 1958 Rolleicord Va
Transition model.
Schneider Xenar Rolleicord Va Type 2 Rolleicord Va (type 1)
1 907 000 Va 1 943 999 37 000 1958 - 1961 Rolleicord Va model 2
Apertures and shutter speeds on left side, EV scale right on side.
Last 2000 cameras: serial number begins with “Va“.
Secured lever.
Schneider Xenar Rolleicord Va Type 2 Rolleicord Va (type 2)

Common particulars: Synchro-Compur MXV CR00, linear speeds, EVS6, exchangeable frame counter for 12 exp. Counters for 16 and 24 exp available. Bayonet I.

Rolleicord Vb

Start at № End at № Number
Produced Name acc. to Prochnow /
Taking Lens Name acc. to Parker Name acc. to Evans
2 600 000 2 645 999 44 500 1962 - 1966 Rolleicord Vb model 1
Synchro-Compur MXV CR00
‘Franke & Heidecke’
Schneider Xenar Rolleicord Vb Type 1 Rolleicord Vb (type 1)
2 610 000*
2 611 xxx*
2 641 xxx*
2 642 xxx*
2 610 999 c. 1 500 1962 - 1977 Philips Rolleicord 16 and 24 exp.
Polizei Rolleicord (Police) 12 exp.
Special order made from series cameras.
Rolleicord Vb model 1
Synchro-Compur MXV CR00
Mainly grey leatherette.
‘Franke & Heidecke’
Schneider Xenar Rolleicord Vb Type 1 Rolleicord Vb (type 1)
2 647 000 2 677 534 30 500 1966 - 1970 Rolleicord Vb model 2
Synchro-Compur XV CR00 shutter
‘Rollei Werke Franke & Heidecke’
Schneider Xenar Rolleicord Vb Type 2 Rolleicord Vb (type 2)
1970 - 1977 Rolleicord Vb model 2
Sychro-Compur X CR00 shutter
‘Rollei Werke Franke & Heidecke’ on ‘White-face’7

* Serial numbers of the special order cameras were taken from the current series. These cameras can only be recognised by engravings indicating ownership.
Common particulars: Serial numbers with ‘Vb’ prefix. First detachable viewfinder hood. In cameras № Vb 2600000 - Vb 2603000 the Rolleikin film mask fits only after a rebuilt at the factory. Linear speeds, EVS, exchangeable frame counter. Counters for 12, 16 and 24 exp exp. available. Bayonet I.


Particulars are described to distinguish between cameras from a single production run or in case of special interest. Back
BL: Both lenses, VL: Viewfinder lens, TL: Taking lens, : Diameter, A: Push on (Ge: Aufsteckfilter), Bay: Rolleiflex Bayonet. Back
The Philips oscilloscope cameras were taken from current production and converted to 24 exposures of 3×6 cm. Many later owners had them converted back to 12 exposures for normal use. Back
The MX shutter offers both M and X synchronization. There is just one PC (‘Prontor-Compur’) socket for flash and a switch to chose for either M or X sync. The MXV shutter of the Rolleicord V has a third setting for delayed action shutter release. Back
Linear speeds and apertures were needed for modern features like the EVS. Linear means that with the next step the value is doubled or cut in halves. Speeds like 1/250 and next 1/100 were replaced. Back
EVS: Exposure Value System. Back
A shiny silver name plate with small print around the taking lens was introduced in 1970/1. This was just a purely cosmetic change, not an official model. Later it became the sought after ‘White-face’. Back
