Serial Numbers Lists
Rolleiflex 2.8 A
Start at № | End at № | Number made |
Produced | Name according to Prochnow Particulars1 |
Taking Lens | Name acc. to Parker | Name acc. to Evans |
1 101 000 | 1 116 999 | 7 870 | 1949 - 1951 | Rolleiflex 2,8 A Compur-Rapid X CR0 shutter 1/400s, X-synchronization. 6×6 cm single format back. |
CZJ Tessar Opton Tessar |
Rolleiflex 2.8A Type 1 | Rolleiflex 2.8A (type 1) |
1 117 000 | 1 164 999 | Rolleiflex 2,8 A Compur-Rapid X CR0 shutter 1/400s, X-synchronization. Fit for Rolleikin II without modification. |
1 201 000 | 1 204 999 | 2 000 | 1951 | Rolleiflex 2,8 A Compur-Rapid MX CR0 shutter 1/500s, MX-synchronization. Fit for Rolleikin II. Pressure plate with settings for 6×6 cm and 24×36 mm. |
Opton Tessar | Rolleiflex 2.8A Type 2 | Rolleiflex 2.8A (type 2) |
Rolleiflex 2.8 B
Start at № | End at № | Number made |
Produced | Name according to Prochnow Particulars |
Taking Lens | Name acc. to Parker | Name acc. to Evans |
1 220 000 | 1 220 999 | 1 250 | 1952 - 1953 | Rolleiflex 2,8 B | CZJ Biometar | Rolleiflex 2.8B | Rolleiflex 2.8B (type 1) |
1 260 000 | 1 260 249 | 1953 | Rolleiflex 2,8 B Groove in tripod plate for Rolleifix. |
CZJ Biometar | Rolleiflex 2.8B | Rolleiflex 2.8B (type 2) |
Rolleiflex 2.8 C
Start at № | End at № | Number made |
Produced | Name according to Prochnow Particulars |
Taking Lens | Name acc. to Parker | Name acc. to Evans |
1 260 250 | 1 285 999 | 30 150 | 1954 - 1955 | Rolleiflex 2,8 C From № 1267000: Groove in tripod plate for Rolleifix. |
CZ Planar | Rolleiflex 2.8C | Rolleiflex 2.8C (type 1) |
1 292 000 | 1 299 9992 | 1952 - 1955 | Rolleiflex 2,8 C | Schneider Xenotar | Rolleiflex 2.8C | Rolleiflex 2.8C (type 1) | |
1 400 000 | 1 475 405 | 1952 - 1955 | Rolleiflex 2,8 C | Schneider Xenotar CZ Planar3 |
Rolleiflex 2.8C | Rolleiflex 2.8C (type 2) |
Rolleiflex 2.8 D
Start at № | End at № | Number made |
Produced | Name according to Prochnow Particulars |
Taking Lens | Name acc. to Parker | Name acc. to Evans |
1 600 000 | 1 620 100 | 20 100 | 1955 - 1956 | Rolleiflex 2,8 D | CZ Planar Schneider Xenotar |
Rolleiflex 2.8D | Rolleiflex 2.8D |
Rolleiflex 2.8 E and E2
Start at № | End at № | Number made |
Produced | Name according to Prochnow Particulars |
Taking Lens | Name acc. to Parker | Name acc. to Evans |
1 621 000 | 1 663 999 | 44 000 | 1956 - 1959 | Rolleiflex 2,8 E Glass focusing screen. Delivered with or without 2-range uncoupled Se exposure meter. Meter could be added by the user afterwards. Delivered with Rolleikin counter and rewind knobs. From № 1630751: when fitted, exposure meter with ‘0’ calibration. Serial number on Rolleiflex name shield. |
CZ Planar Schneider Xenotar |
Rolleiflex 2.8E | Rolleiflex 2.8E |
1 664 000 | 1 664 999 | Rolleiflex 2,8 E Plastic Bright focusing screen. Delivered with or without 2-range uncoupled Se exposure meter. Meter could be added by the user afterwards. Delivered with Rolleikin counter and rewind knobs. Serial number on Rolleiflex name shield. |
2 350 000 | 2 356 999 | 7 000 | 1959 - 1960 | Rolleiflex 2,8 E2 Second detachable viewfinder hood, plastic Bright focusing screen. Optional 2-range uncoupled Se exposure meter. Prepared for Flat Glass (3-way back needed). Delivered without Rolleikin counter and rewind knobs. Serial number under focusing lens. |
CZ Planar Schneider Xenotar |
Rolleiflex 2.8E 2 | Rolleiflex 2.8 E2 |
Rolleiflex E3 and 2.8 F
Start at № | End at № | Number made |
Produced | Name according to Prochnow Particulars |
Taking Lens | Name acc. to Parker | Name acc. to Evans |
2 360 000 | 2 362 024 | 2 025 | 1962 - 1965 | Rolleiflex 2,8 E3 F model, without coupled exposure meter. Optional 2-range exposure meter. Flat Glass. |
CZ Planar Schneider Xenotar |
Rolleiflex 2.8E 3 | Rolleiflex 2.8 E3 |
2 400 000 | 2 442 133 | 75 000 | 1960 - 1966 | Rolleiflex 2,8 F m or ft scales. From 2,8 F 2437000 (mid 1964): m and ft scales. Flat Glass. |
CZ Planar Schneider Xenotar4 |
Rolleiflex 2.8F | Rolleiflex 2.8F (type 1/2) |
2 442 134 | 2 454 999 | 1966 - 1967 | Rolleiflex 2,8 F Flat Glass. 12/24 exp. |
CZ Planar | Rolleiflex 2.8F | Rolleiflex 2.8F (type 1/2) | |
2 455 000 | 2 475 999 | 1967 - 1971 | Rolleiflex 2,8 F 12/24 exp. From mid 1971: ‘White-face’5. |
CZ Planar | Rolleiflex 2.8F type 2 | Rolleiflex 2.8F (type 1/2) | |
2 476 000 | 2 479 999 | 1971 - 1973 | Rolleiflex 2,8 F 12/24 exp. Flat film pressure plate, revised film-gate. From mid 1971: ‘White-face’. |
CZ Planar | Rolleiflex 2.8F type 26 | Rolleiflex 2.8F (type 1/2) | |
2 950 000 | 2 984 999 | 7 800 | 1973 - 1981 | Rolleiflex 2,8 F 12/24 exp. Flat film pressure plate, revised film-gate. ‘White-face’ |
Schneider Xenotar CZ Planar |
Rolleiflex 2.8F type 47 | Rolleiflex 2.8F (type 2) |
8 300 001 | 8 301 500 | 1 500 | 1983 | Rolleiflex 2,8 F Aurum8 Bare metal parts guilded. |
Schneider Xenotar | Rolleiflex 2.8F Aurum | Rolleiflex 2.8F Aurum |
2 985 001 | 2 985 500 | 500 | 1984 - 1985 | Rolleiflex 2,8 F Edition 1984 Platin9 001/500 - 500/500 |
CZ Planar HFT | Rolleiflex 2.8F Platin | Rolleiflex 2.8F Platin Edition |
Rolleiflex 2.8 GX Model 1 Series
Produced from | Produced until | Number made | Name | Taking Lens | Particulars |
08/1987 | 03/1994 | 10 200 | Rolleiflex 2.8 GX Model 1, Black Series |
Rollei Planar 2.8/80 HFT | Coded Serial Number Synchro-Compur X CR0 shutter, X-synchronization. Aperture scale from 2.8 to 22 Shutter speeds scale from 500 - 1, B From 1989 chrome ring around flash socket. From 03/1991 chrome frame around ISO memory compartment on the back. |
1989 | 1989 | 1 500 | Rolleiflex 2.8 GX Model 1, 60 Years Rolleiflex Edition Special Series |
Rollei Planar 2.8/80 HFT | Coded Serial Number. Synchro-Compur X CR0 shutter Aperture scale from 2.8 to 22 Shutter speeds scale from 500 - 1, B |
12/1991 | 1992 | 500 | Rolleiflex 2.8 GX Model 1, Helmut Newton Edition Special Series |
Rollei Planar 2.8/80 HFT | Coded Serial Number. Synchro-Compur X CR0 shutter Aperture scale from 2.8 to 22 Shutter speeds scale from 500 - 1, B |
03/1994 | 01/1995 | 500 | Rolleiflex 2.8 GX Model 1, Expression 94 Special Series |
Rollei Planar 2.8/80 HFT | Coded Serial Number. Synchro-Compur X CR0 shutter Aperture scale from 2.8 to 22 Shutter speeds scale from 500 - 1, B |
05/1994 | 12/1994 | 33 | Rolleiflex 2.8 GX Model 1, Gold Expression 94 Special Series |
Rollei Planar 2.8/80 HFT | Coded Serial Number. Synchro-Compur X CR0 shutter Aperture scale from 2.8 to 22 Shutter speeds scale from 500 - 1, B 65 years TLR Jubilee |
09/1995 | 09/1995 | 130 | Rolleiflex 2.8 GX Model 1, Japan Edition Special Series |
Rollei Planar 2.8/80 HFT | Coded Serial Number. Seiko #0 shutter, although Synchro-Compur cannot be ruled out. Aperture scale from 22 to 2.8 Shutter speeds scale from B, 1 - 500 Serial Numbers 001/130 - 130/130 |
Rolleiflex 2.8 GX Model 2 Series
Produced from | Produced until | Number made | Name | Taking Lens | Particulars |
01/1995 | 12/1995 | 900 | Rolleiflex 2.8 GX Model 2, 75 Years Rollei Edition Special Series |
Rollei Planar 2.8/80 HFT | Coded Serial Number. Synchro-Compur X CR0 shutter, aperture scale from 2.8 to 22, shutter speeds scale from 500 - 1, B; or Seiko Nr 0 shutter, aperture scale from 22 to 2.8, shutter speeds scale from B, 1 - 500 |
07/1995 | 12/1996 | 1 000 | Rolleiflex 2.8 GX Model 2, Expression Series |
Rollei Planar 2.8/80 HFT | Coded Serial Number. Copal Nr 0 shutter, aperture scale from 22 to 2.8, shutter speeds scale from B, 1 - 500. |
1996 | 1996 | 100 | Rolleiflex 2.8 GX Model 2, Club Rollei Jersey Special Series |
Rollei Planar 2.8/80 HFT | Coded Serial Number. Seiko Nr 0 shutter, aperture scale from 22 to 2.8, shutter speeds scale from B, 1 - 500. |
1996 | 2000 | 1 000 | Rolleiflex 2.8 GX Model 2, Royal Special Series |
Rollei Planar 2.8/80 HFT | Coded Serial Number. Seiko Nr 0 shutter, aperture scale from 22 to 2.8, shutter speeds scale from B, 1 - 500. |
2000 | 2000 | Rolleiflex 2.8 GX Model 2, ‘80 Years’ Focusing knob with annversary print. Special Series |
Rollei Planar 2.8/80 HFT | Coded Serial Number. Seiko Nr 0 shutter, aperture scale from 22 to 2.8, shutter speeds scale from B, 1 - 500. |
Rolleiflex 2.8 FX
Produced from | Produced until | Number made | Name | Taking Lens | Particulars |
2002 | 2015 | Rolleiflex 2.8 FX | Rollei Planar 2.8/80 HFT Rollei S-Apogon 2.8/80 HFT |
Coded Serial Number. Aperture scale from 22 to 2.8 Seike or Copal shutter, speeds scale from B, 1 - 500. Inner and outer Bayonet III as usual |
2009 | 2009 | Rolleiflex 2.8 FX Special Edition ‘80 Years Twin Lens Reflex’ |
Rollei Planar 2.8/80 HFT Rollei S-Apogon 2.8/80 HFT |
Guilded name plate, bayonet mounts, setting wheels, crank, shutter release,etc. Coded Serial Number. Aperture scale from 22 to 2.8 Seike or Copal shutter, speeds scale from B, 1 - 500. Inner and outer Bayonet III as usual |
2012 | 2015 | Rolleiflex 2.8 FX‑N | Rollei S-Apogon 2.8/80 HFT | Coded Serial Number. Aperture scale from 22 to 2.8 Seike or Copal shutter, speeds scale from B, 1 - 500. Close focusing up to 55 cm. Outer Bayonet IV, no inner bayonet. For using filters an adaptor is needed and available from Rolleiflex USA. |