Serial Numbers Lists
Rolleiflex 3.5
Start at № | End at № | Number made |
Produced | Name according to Prochnow Particulars1 |
Taking Lens | Name acc. to Parker | Name acc. to Evans |
1 100 000 | 1 116 999 | 35 660 | 1949 - 1951 | Rolleiflex 3,5 6×6 cm single format back. |
CZJ Tessar Opton Tessar Schneider Xenar |
Automat Rolleiflex Model X | Rolleiflex X (type 1/2) |
1 117 000 | 1 159 999 | Rolleiflex 3,5 Fit for Rolleikin II without modification. |
1 160 000 | 1 168 999 | Rolleiflex 3,5 Fit for Rolleikin II. Pressure plate with settings for 6×6 cm and 24×36 mm. |
Rolleiflex 3.5 A
Start at № | End at № | Number made |
Produced | Name according to Prochnow Particulars |
Taking Lens | Name acc. to Parker | Name acc. to Evans |
1 200 000 | 1 240 999 | 109 000 | 1951 - 1954 | Rolleiflex 3,5 A | CZJ Tessar Opton Tessar2 Schneider Xenar |
Automat Rolleiflex Model 4 | Rolleiflex MX (type 1) |
1 241 000 | 1 267 999 | Rolleiflex 3,5 A Finder adapted to accept Rolleigrid. |
CZJ Tessar Opton Tessar |
1 268 000 | 1 298 999 | Rolleiflex 3,5 A Finder adapted to accept Rolleigrid. Light baffles in taking chamber. Groove for Rolleifix in tripod mounting plate. |
CZJ Tessar Opton Tessar |
1 401 000 | 1 427 999 | Rolleiflex 3,5 A Finder adapted to accept Rolleigrid. Light baffles in taking chamber. Groove for Rolleifix in tripod mounting plate. |
Opton Tessar (from early 1954 labeled CZ Tessar) Schneider Xenar |
Rolleiflex MX (type 2) |
Rolleiflex 3.5 B
Start at № | End at № | Number made |
Produced | Name according to Prochnow Particulars |
Taking Lens | Name acc. to Parker | Name acc. to Evans |
1 428 000 | 1 463 999 | 94 000 | 1954 - 1956 | Rolleiflex 3,5 B EVS: unlocked, ‘Germany’ engraved on left hand wheel |
CZJ Tessar CZ Tessar Schneider Xenar |
Rolleiflex 3.5 MX-EVS | 3.5 Rolleiflex MX‑EVS (type 1) |
1 464 000 | 1 499 999 | Rolleiflex 3,5 B EVS: locked, unlock with push button. |
1 700 000 | 1 737 999 | Rolleiflex 3,5 B EVS: lock/unlock by turning central button. |
3.5 Rolleiflex MX‑EVS (type 2) |
Rolleiflex 3.5 C (or E) and E2
Start at № | End at № | Number made |
Produced | Name according to Prochnow Particulars |
Taking Lens | Name acc. to Parker | Name acc. to Evans |
1 740 000 | 1 787 999 | 26 000 | 1956 - 1959 | Rolleiflex 3,5 C 2-range exposure meter fitted. From № 1,758,000 exposure meter with ‘0’ calibration. Finder fit for Rolleigrid lens and Rolleikin 2 masks. Rolleikin rewind knob fitted. |
CZ Planar | Rolleiflex 3.5 E | Rolleiflex 3.5 E (type 1) |
1 850 000 | 1 868 999 | 17 000 | 1957 - 1959 | Rolleiflex 3,5 C Factory option: 2-range exposure meter. Finder fit for Rolleigrid lens and Rolleikin 2 masks. Rolleikin rewind knob fitted. |
Schneider Xenotar3 CZ Planar |
Rolleiflex 3.5 E | Rolleiflex 3.5 E (type 2) |
1 870 000 | 1 871 999 | 2 000 | 1959 - 1960 | Rolleiflex 3,5 E2 model 1 Marketed only in U.K. and U.S.A. Foldable and detachable viewfinder hood. Delayed action control moved to left. PC flash socket secured, handle acts as MX switch. (User options: 2-range exposure meter, Rolleikin knobs.) |
CZ Planar Schneider Xenotar |
Rolleiflex 3.5 E2 | Rolleiflex 3.5 E2 (type 1) |
2 480 000 | 2 481 999 | 2 000 | 1961 - 1962 | Rolleiflex 3,5 E2 model 2 Marketed only in U.K. and U.S.A. Foldable and detachable viewfinder hood. Delayed action control moved to left. PC flash socket secured, handle acts as MX switch. Prepared for Flat Glass4. (User options: 2-range exposure meter, 3-way back for Flat glass, Rolleikin knobs). |
CZ Planar Schneider Xenotar |
Rolleiflex 3.5 E2 | Rolleiflex 3.5 E2 (type 2) |
Rolleiflex 3.5 F and E3
Start at № | End at № | Number made |
Produced | Name according to Prochnow Particulars |
Taking Lens | Name acc. to Parker | Name acc. to Evans |
2 200 000 | 2 204 999 | 20 000 | 1958 - 1960 | Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 1 Differential Synchro-Compur MXV CR00 shutter. Aperture wheel with EV-lock. m or ft scale with automatic DOF. Serial number on of top name shield. |
CZ Planar5 Schneider Xenotar |
Rolleiflex 3.5F Model 1 | Rolleiflex 3.5F (type 1) |
2 205 000 | 2 219 999 | 1958 - 1960 | Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 1 Differential Synchro-Compur MXV CR00 shutter. Aperture wheel with EV-lock. m or ft scale with automatic DOF. Serial number with ‘3,5F’ prefix on of top name shield. |
Schneider Xenotar CZ Planar |
2 230 000 | 2 241 499 | 11 500 | 1960 | Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 2, Differential Synchro-Compur MXV CR00 shutter. From now on aperture wheel without EV-lock. m or ft scale with automatic DOF. Serial number with ‘3,5F’ prefix on top of name shield. Prepared for Flat Glass. (User option: Camera back with 3 positions: 24x36mm, 6x6cm, 6x6cm with Flat Glass.) |
CZ Planar Schneider Xenotar |
Rolleiflex 3.5F Model 2 | Rolleiflex 3.5F (type 2) |
2 250 000 | 2 289 999 | 50 000 | 1960 - 1965 | Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 3 Synchro-Compur MXV CR00 with cone-wheel differential, m or ft scale with automatic DOF. Serial number with ‘3,5F’ prefix on of top name shield. Prepared for Flat Glass. (User option: Camera back with 3 positions: 24x36mm, 6x6cm, 6x6cm with Flat Glass.) |
CZ Planar OPTON Pl (From lens № 2753002 6 elements.) |
Rolleiflex 3.5F Model 3 | Rolleiflex 3.5F (type 3) |
2 290 000 | 2 298 999 | Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 3 Synchro-Compur MXV CR00 with cone-wheel differential, Serial number with ‘3,5F’ prefix on of top name shield. m and ft scale with automatic DOF. Prepared for Flat Glass. (User option: Camera back with 3 positions: 24x36mm, 6x6cm, 6x6cm with Flat Glass.) |
CZ Planar OPTON Pl (both 6 elements) |
2 299 000 | 2 299 546 | Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 3 Synchro-Compur MXV CR00 with cone-wheel differential, Serial number with ‘3,5F’ prefix on of top name shield. m and ft scale with automatic DOF. Prepared for Flat Glass. (User option: Camera back with 3 positions: 24x36mm, 6x6cm, 6x6cm with Flat Glass.) |
CZ Planar OPTON Pl (both 6 elements) Schneider Xenotar (From lens № 2299547 6 elements) |
2 380 000 | 2 385 034 | 5 035 | 1961 - 1965 | Rolleiflex 3,5 E3 F-model without exposure meter, EVS, Synchro-Compur MX CR00, Serial number with ‘E3’ prefix on of top name shield. Prepared for Flat Glass. (User options: Camera back with 3 positions: 24x36mm, 6x6cm, 6x6cm with Flat Glass. Dual range uncoupled exposure meter.) |
CZ Planar OPTON Pl Schneider Xenotar (all 6 elements) |
Rolleiflex 3.5 E3 | Rolleiflex 3.5 E3 |
2 299 547 | 2 299 999 | 71 000 | 1965 - 1966 | Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 3 Synchro-Compur MXV CR00 with cone-wheel differential, Serial number with ‘3,5F’ prefix on of top name shield. m and ft scale with automatic DOF. Prepared for Flat Glass. (User option: Camera back with 3 positions: 24x36mm, 6x6cm, 6x6cm with Flat Glass.) Film transport for 12/24 exp, switch may not be present. |
CZ Planar OPTON Pl (both 6 elements) Schneider Xenotar (6 elements) |
Rolleiflex 3.5F Model 3 | Rolleiflex 3.5F (type 3) |
2 800 000 | 2 814 999 | 1965 - 1966 | Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 3 Synchro-Compur MXV CR00 with cone-wheel differential, Serial number with ‘3,5F’ prefix on of top name shield. m and ft scale with automatic DOF. Prepared for Flat Glass. (User option: Camera back with 3 positions: 24x36mm, 6x6cm, 6x6cm with Flat Glass.) Film transport for 12/24 exp, switch may not be present. |
Schneider Xenotar6 (6 elements) CZ Planar (6 elements) |
Rolleiflex 3.5F Model 4 | ||
2 815 000 | 2 839 999 | 1966 - 1971 | Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 3 Synchro-Compur MXV CR00 with cone-wheel differential, Serial number with ‘3,5F’ prefix on of top name shield. m and ft scale with automatic DOF. Not prepared for Flat Glass. Film transport for 12/24 exp, switch may not be present. |
Schneider Xenotar7 (6 elements) CZ Planar (6 elements) |
Rolleiflex 3.5F (type 4) | ||
2 840 000 | 2 844 999 | 1971 | Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 3 Synchro-Compur MXV CR00 with cone-wheel differential, m and ft scale with automatic DOF. Not prepared for Flat Glass. "White-face"9. Serial number with ‘3,5F’ prefix below the taking lens. Film transport for 12/24 exp, switch may not be present. |
Schneider Xenotar8 (6 elements) CZ Planar (6 elements) |
Rolleiflex 3.5F Model 5 | ||
2 845 000 | 2 857 149 | 1971-1976 | Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 3 Synchro-Compur MXV CR00 with cone-wheel differential, m and ft scale with automatic DOF. Not prepared for Flat Glass. "White-face" Serial number with ‘3,5F’ prefix below the taking lens. Film transport for 12/24 exp, switch may not be present. Flat film pressure plate, revised film gate. |
Schneider Xenotar10 CZ Planar Opton Pl (all 6 elements) |
3 555 00011 | >3 556 164 | 1974-1976 | Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 3 Synchro-Compur MXV CR00 with cone-wheel differential, m and ft scale with automatic DOF. "White-face" Serial number with ‘3,5F’ prefix below taking lens. Flat film pressure plate, revised film gate. |
Schneider Xenotar (6 elements) |
Rolleiflex 3.5F (type 5) | ||
5 205 29712 | 1980 | Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 3 Synchro-Compur MXV/CR00 with cone-wheel differential, "White-face" Flat film pressure plate, revised film gate. |
Schneider Xenotar (6 elements) |