Editor Ferdi Stutterheim

Home > Serial Numbers > Post-War Rolleiflex 3.5

Rolleiflex 3.5 F, Photo F.W. Stutterheim
White-face Rolleiflex 3.5 F with № 3 556 000 and a 1:3.5 f=75mm Schneider Xenotar. This one is from the last run of the regular production of 3.5 Rolleiflex cameras. See note 11. The white plastic strip is the ‘integrator’ to be attached on the collector lenses of the light meter when metering incident-light. Photo courtesy of ume-japan.

Page Index

Serial Numbers Lists

Rolleiflex 3.5

Start at № End at № Number
Produced Name according to Prochnow
Taking Lens Name acc. to Parker Name acc. to Evans
1 100 000 1 116 999 35 660 1949 - 1951 Rolleiflex 3,5
6×6 cm single format back.
CZJ Tessar
Opton Tessar
Schneider Xenar
Automat Rolleiflex Model X Rolleiflex X (type 1/2)
1 117 000 1 159 999 Rolleiflex 3,5
Fit for Rolleikin II without modification.
1 160 000 1 168 999 Rolleiflex 3,5
Fit for Rolleikin II. Pressure plate with
settings for 6×6 cm and 24×36 mm.

Common Particulars: Bayonet I. Compur-Rapid X CR00 shutter, X synchronization, non-linear steps between apertures and between shutter speeds.

Rolleiflex 3.5 A

Start at № End at № Number
Produced Name according to Prochnow
Taking Lens Name acc. to Parker Name acc. to Evans
1 200 000 1 240 999 109 000 1951 - 1954 Rolleiflex 3,5 A CZJ Tessar
Opton Tessar2
Schneider Xenar
Automat Rolleiflex Model 4 Rolleiflex MX (type 1)
1 241 000 1 267 999 Rolleiflex 3,5 A
Finder adapted to accept Rolleigrid.
CZJ Tessar
Opton Tessar
1 268 000 1 298 999 Rolleiflex 3,5 A
Finder adapted to accept Rolleigrid.
Light baffles in taking chamber.
Groove for Rolleifix in tripod
mounting plate.
CZJ Tessar
Opton Tessar
1 401 000 1 427 999 Rolleiflex 3,5 A
Finder adapted to accept Rolleigrid.
Light baffles in taking chamber.
Groove for Rolleifix in tripod
mounting plate.
Opton Tessar
(from early 1954
labeled CZ Tessar)
Schneider Xenar
Rolleiflex MX (type 2)

Common Particulars: Bayonet I. Synchro-Compur Rapid MX CR00 shutter, M and X synchronization, non-linear steps between apertures and between shutter speeds. Fit for Rolleikin II. Pressure plate with settings for 6×6 cm and 24×36 mm.

Rolleiflex 3.5 B

Start at № End at № Number
Produced Name according to Prochnow
Taking Lens Name acc. to Parker Name acc. to Evans
1 428 000 1 463 999 94 000 1954 - 1956 Rolleiflex 3,5 B
EVS: unlocked, ‘Germany’
engraved on left hand wheel
CZJ Tessar
CZ Tessar
Schneider Xenar
Rolleiflex 3.5 MX-EVS 3.5 Rolleiflex MX‑EVS (type 1)
1 464 000 1 499 999 Rolleiflex 3,5 B
EVS: locked, unlock with
push button.
1 700 000 1 737 999 Rolleiflex 3,5 B
EVS: lock/unlock by turning
central button.
3.5 Rolleiflex MX‑EVS (type 2)

Common Particulars: Bayonet I. Synchro-Compur MX CR00 shutter, M and X synchronization, linear steps between apertures and between shutter speeds. Exposure Value System (three evolutions).

Rolleiflex 3.5 C (or E) and E2

Start at № End at № Number
Produced Name according to Prochnow
Taking Lens Name acc. to Parker Name acc. to Evans
1 740 000 1 787 999 26 000 1956 - 1959 Rolleiflex 3,5 C
2-range exposure meter fitted.
From № 1,758,000 exposure meter
with ‘0’ calibration.
Finder fit for Rolleigrid lens and
Rolleikin 2 masks.
Rolleikin rewind knob fitted.
CZ Planar Rolleiflex 3.5 E Rolleiflex 3.5 E (type 1)
1 850 000 1 868 999 17 000 1957 - 1959 Rolleiflex 3,5 C
Factory option: 2-range exposure meter.
Finder fit for Rolleigrid lens and
Rolleikin 2 masks.
Rolleikin rewind knob fitted.
Schneider Xenotar3
CZ Planar
Rolleiflex 3.5 E Rolleiflex 3.5 E (type 2)
1 870 000 1 871 999 2 000 1959 - 1960 Rolleiflex 3,5 E2 model 1
Marketed only in U.K. and U.S.A.
Foldable and detachable viewfinder hood.
Delayed action control moved to left.
PC flash socket secured, handle acts as MX switch.
(User options: 2-range exposure meter,
Rolleikin knobs.)
CZ Planar
Schneider Xenotar
Rolleiflex 3.5 E2 Rolleiflex 3.5 E2 (type 1)
2 480 000 2 481 999 2 000 1961 - 1962 Rolleiflex 3,5 E2 model 2
Marketed only in U.K. and U.S.A.
Foldable and detachable viewfinder hood.
Delayed action control moved to left.
PC flash socket secured, handle acts as MX switch.
Prepared for Flat Glass4.
(User options: 2-range exposure meter,
3-way back for Flat glass, Rolleikin knobs).
CZ Planar
Schneider Xenotar
Rolleiflex 3.5 E2 Rolleiflex 3.5 E2 (type 2)

Common Particulars: Bayonet II. 42 mm Distance between lenses. Synchro-Compur MX CR00 shutter, M and X synchronization. linear steps between apertures and between shutter speeds. Exposure Value System, lock/unlock by turning central button.

Rolleiflex 3.5 F and E3

Start at № End at № Number
Produced Name according to Prochnow
Taking Lens Name acc. to Parker Name acc. to Evans
2 200 000 2 204 999 20 000 1958 - 1960 Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 1
Differential Synchro-Compur MXV CR00 shutter.
Aperture wheel with EV-lock.
m or ft scale with automatic DOF.
Serial number on of top name shield.
CZ Planar5
Schneider Xenotar
Rolleiflex 3.5F Model 1 Rolleiflex 3.5F (type 1)
2 205 000 2 219 999 1958 - 1960 Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 1
Differential Synchro-Compur MXV CR00 shutter.
Aperture wheel with EV-lock.
m or ft scale with automatic DOF.
Serial number with ‘3,5F’ prefix on of top name shield.
Schneider Xenotar
CZ Planar
2 230 000 2 241 499 11 500 1960 Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 2,
Differential Synchro-Compur MXV CR00 shutter.
From now on aperture wheel without EV-lock.
m or ft scale with automatic DOF.
Serial number with ‘3,5F’ prefix on top of name shield.
Prepared for Flat Glass.
(User option: Camera back with 3 positions:
24x36mm, 6x6cm, 6x6cm with Flat Glass.)
CZ Planar
Schneider Xenotar
Rolleiflex 3.5F Model 2 Rolleiflex 3.5F (type 2)
2 250 000 2 289 999 50 000 1960 - 1965 Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 3
Synchro-Compur MXV CR00 with cone-wheel differential,
m or ft scale with automatic DOF.
Serial number with ‘3,5F’ prefix on of top name shield.
Prepared for Flat Glass.
(User option: Camera back with 3 positions:
24x36mm, 6x6cm, 6x6cm with Flat Glass.)
CZ Planar
(From lens
№ 2753002
6 elements.)
Rolleiflex 3.5F Model 3 Rolleiflex 3.5F (type 3)
2 290 000 2 298 999 Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 3
Synchro-Compur MXV CR00 with cone-wheel differential,
Serial number with ‘3,5F’ prefix on of top name shield.
m and ft scale with automatic DOF.
Prepared for Flat Glass.
(User option: Camera back with 3 positions:
24x36mm, 6x6cm, 6x6cm with Flat Glass.)
CZ Planar
(both 6 elements)
2 299 000 2 299 546 Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 3
Synchro-Compur MXV CR00 with cone-wheel differential,
Serial number with ‘3,5F’ prefix on of top name shield.
m and ft scale with automatic DOF.
Prepared for Flat Glass.
(User option: Camera back with 3 positions:
24x36mm, 6x6cm, 6x6cm with Flat Glass.)
CZ Planar
(both 6 elements)
Schneider Xenotar
(From lens
№ 2299547
6 elements)
2 380 000 2 385 034 5 035 1961 - 1965 Rolleiflex 3,5 E3
F-model without exposure meter, EVS,
Synchro-Compur MX CR00,
Serial number with ‘E3’ prefix on of top name shield.
Prepared for Flat Glass.
(User options: Camera back with 3 positions:
24x36mm, 6x6cm, 6x6cm with Flat Glass.
Dual range uncoupled exposure meter.)
CZ Planar
Schneider Xenotar
(all 6 elements)
Rolleiflex 3.5 E3 Rolleiflex 3.5 E3
2 299 547 2 299 999 71 000 1965 - 1966 Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 3
Synchro-Compur MXV CR00 with cone-wheel differential,
Serial number with ‘3,5F’ prefix on of top name shield.
m and ft scale with automatic DOF.
Prepared for Flat Glass.
(User option: Camera back with 3 positions:
24x36mm, 6x6cm, 6x6cm with Flat Glass.)
Film transport for 12/24 exp, switch may not be present.
CZ Planar
(both 6 elements)
Schneider Xenotar
(6 elements)
Rolleiflex 3.5F Model 3 Rolleiflex 3.5F (type 3)
2 800 000 2 814 999 1965 - 1966 Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 3
Synchro-Compur MXV CR00 with cone-wheel differential,
Serial number with ‘3,5F’ prefix on of top name shield.
m and ft scale with automatic DOF.
Prepared for Flat Glass.
(User option: Camera back with 3 positions:
24x36mm, 6x6cm, 6x6cm with Flat Glass.)
Film transport for 12/24 exp, switch may not be present.
Schneider Xenotar6
(6 elements)
CZ Planar
(6 elements)
Rolleiflex 3.5F Model 4
2 815 000 2 839 999 1966 - 1971 Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 3
Synchro-Compur MXV CR00 with cone-wheel differential,
Serial number with ‘3,5F’ prefix on of top name shield.
m and ft scale with automatic DOF.
Not prepared for Flat Glass.
Film transport for 12/24 exp, switch may not be present.
Schneider Xenotar7
(6 elements)
CZ Planar
(6 elements)
Rolleiflex 3.5F (type 4)
2 840 000 2 844 999 1971 Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 3
Synchro-Compur MXV CR00 with cone-wheel differential,
m and ft scale with automatic DOF.
Not prepared for Flat Glass.
Serial number with ‘3,5F’ prefix below the taking lens.
Film transport for 12/24 exp, switch may not be present.
Schneider Xenotar8
(6 elements)
CZ Planar
(6 elements)
Rolleiflex 3.5F Model 5
2 845 000 2 857 149 1971-1976 Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 3
Synchro-Compur MXV CR00 with cone-wheel differential,
m and ft scale with automatic DOF.
Not prepared for Flat Glass.
Serial number with ‘3,5F’ prefix below the taking lens.
Film transport for 12/24 exp, switch may not be present.
Flat film pressure plate, revised film gate.
Schneider Xenotar10
CZ Planar
Opton Pl
(all 6 elements)
3 555 00011 >3 556 164 1974-1976 Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 3
Synchro-Compur MXV CR00 with cone-wheel differential,
m and ft scale with automatic DOF.
Serial number with ‘3,5F’ prefix below taking lens.
Flat film pressure plate, revised film gate.
Schneider Xenotar
(6 elements)
Rolleiflex 3.5F (type 5)
5 205 29712 1980 Rolleiflex 3,5 F model 3
Synchro-Compur MXV/CR00 with cone-wheel differential,
Flat film pressure plate, revised film gate.
Schneider Xenotar
(6 elements)

Common Particulars: Bayonet II. Bright focusing screen. 45 mm Distance between lenses. Foldable and detachable viewfinder hood.
Single range exposure meter, mechanically coupled to aperture and shutter speeds by either a dedicated differential shutter or a standard shutter with separate differential.
User options; Rolleikin counter (and rewind) knob(s).
Factory upgrade: New body side with 12/24 frames switch.


Not all particulars are listed. Particulars are only described when necessary to distinguish between cameras from a single production run or in case of special interest. Back
Altough the 1,2... numbers were allocated to cameras with CZJ Tessars, Zeiss-Opton Tessars do occur on cameras with 1,2... numbers. Camera № 1238665 is equipped with a Zeiss-Opton Tessar № 747497. Schneider Xenars also occur: № 1238472 is fitted with Xenar № 2881660 . Back
According to literature Xenotars only. Cameras with Planars do exist within this number range: № 1853762 and № 1867373 are known to be fitted with Planars. Back
‘Prepared for Flat Glass’ means that the camera body is adapted in two ways. A ‘half moon’ release button right before the two rollers of the film feeler mechanism and a pin to the right of the film gate. It lifts the pressure plate when the Flat Glass Back is attached and the pressure plate is set for ‘6×6 cm with Flat Glass’. The Flat Glass itself and the Flat Glass Back were sold separately from 1959 until 1969. A standard (2-way) back can easily be replaced for a (3-way) Flat Glass Back by the user. The back itself is not a distinguishing feature. Pushing the release button when holding the camera with the back facing down frees the Flat Glass. It drops out! Hold the camera with one hand underneath the film gate to catch the Flat Glass. Back
Rolleiflex 3.5 F model 1: Although separate number ranges were allocated to Planar and Xenotar lenses, Xenotars can be found in the Planar range and Planars in the Xenotar range. № 2 200 412 is known to be fitted with a Xenotar. Back
According to literature Xenotars only. Cameras with Planars do exist within this number range. № 2 808 513 is known to be fitted with a Planar. Back
According to literature Xenotars only. Cameras with Planars do exist within this number range. Back
According to literature Xenotars only. Cameras with Planars do exist within this number range. № 2 840 753 and № 2 842 081 (White-face) are known to be fitted with Planars. Back
In November 2013 № 2 840 753 was brought to my attention. It is an early White-face and is equipped with a Planar. The number of the first camera with a White-face is unknown. It was an insignificant mid-series update. It was probably around № 2 840 000. Back
According to literature Xenotars only. Cameras with Planars do exist within this number range. № 2 845 198 is equipped with an Opton Pl (Planar) lens. Back
The idea to use serial numbers beginning with 35.. for the 3.5 cameras came in 1974. According to Prochnow this was shortly before production was ended. Only a limited number of cameras from this range is known to me: № 3 556 000, № 3 556 084, № 3 556 090, № 3 556 147 and № 3 556 164. If you own a 3.5 with a higher number, please, let me know. Sources do not agree on the year the regular production of the Rolleiflex 3.5 ended. It was probably around 1976. Later cameras may have been made from remaining parts and only on special order. Back to reference 11. Back to top image.
A “Special Order” 3.5 № 5 205 297 with Xenotar said to be from 1980 surfaced in 2005. Perhaps this is an early example of the use of coded serial numbers. Back
